We lost George Duisman ( the founder of Consciousness Transformation Techniques) Oct 8, 2022. He wanted to stick around forever and continue helping people to raise their consciousness. But his Higher Self had other plans and he was called home for work from the greater vantage point. I am grateful we got to speak with him and see him via zoom in his last days to give comfort and reassurance. (Thanks a million Heather for being our Angel and making that possible, driving up there many times to make sure he was as comfortable as he could be)
This month he has been on a lot of our minds. I think it would be healing for me to talk about how he touched my life and how he continues to have an influence in my personal and professional life. (If you have stories of George you would like to share please email your story and/or video to me and I will add them to this blog.)
I met George in the Quantum Healing Forum around 2017. He was running Tapping groups to teach everyone how to do CTT. I was immediately hooked and would carry the 4 minute miracle script in my purse ready for any opportunity to share this "modren day magic".
Soon after, about 4 of us joined him in a very small weekly tapping group. Looking back at my many notebooks of those years' worth of sessions..... He almost exclusively tapped for something pertaining to the improvement and spreading of CTT. Rarely ever for something for himself personally. He was often frustrated by the lack of the same kind of enthusiasm he had for it. His passion was unmatched.
He would light up when someone would lead the tapping in groups. He loved seeing it in motion. There were other simultaneous groups going also. And for a short time, a tail-ender group to work on specific issues. There are still groups scattered across the globe continuing his work, as well as a private group I and a handful of friends still meet in every week. Like little mushrooms, the fruits spread far and wide.
During that time there were a few people he worked with very regularly leading Past Life CTT sessions for them, weekly and even multiple times a week. Some were primarily clearing out past life traumas. Some were having more consciousness-expanding sessions where incredible insights came through, (check out Erma Tidon's book Consciousness Transformation Techniques: Incredible and Magical Adventures in Consciousness) And some were even working on surrogate sessions for other people. He was a very busy boy over the years.
And then there was me LOL. I loved to lead CTT sessions for people and in 2018 added CTT/ teaching and sessions as Services on my website. He would send me a lot of people who were still working through past life issues, he preferred to focus his time more on Consciousness Expansion sessions.
In the early days, I could not seem to get any past life things for myself in CTT sessions. It is not too surprising since I don't believe I have had all that many Earth lives really. But the interesting part is that George also had difficulty getting past lives for himself. There were only a couple of instances in his life where he felt he accessed past lives. He could not be led in a CTT session to get them, however. How interesting that is.
We often pondered if it was a core block with us why we couldn't get them or what. Below is the only CTT session I had done that was led by George. I did not know it at the time, but my Primary Guide Red Hawk, whom I again met later that year in Dr Palmer's RSR Training, was the Native American in this session. This session was a catalyst we did not fully appreciate at the time.
Never discount anything you get. When you ask for the optimal you need, trust that is what is going to happen. Thought they seemed odd and out of place at the time...All of the images in the session came true within just days.
January 2019 we did this session together. At that time in my Journey I was not a great Hypnosis or trance subject lol. I was working to develop my intuition and mediumship abilities, but I still had a lot of trust issues with myself and things to work through to allow more flow. It was very nostalgic to look back at this session and hear George and I giggling as we try to get my mind to settle down and take a seat already!
I left the long pauses in the recording because I use this to show people how a real session can go. Even if your conscious mind is an unruly monkey, you will get valuable insights. George was so patient and kind. I only hope to be able to continue his work with as much humble pride and generosity of Spirit.
We Love you George, and treasure your continued guidance from the higher side of life.