-Singing the Stars-
4-23-24 (Interesting chat today with a dragon on my team. They spoke slowly with a thick accent)
Picking up the phone …..
(This is the white dragon.)
"Harmony…. upon your souls…..Strumming with fingers taut and practiced. Harmony with one another and with the universe…..Singing the stars.
Calling the mouthpiece of existence, of Eternal existence. Following through the pages of time. plucking the chords …disharmony erased….. flood of emotion
calling the kettle black….. when it is white, is it not? Seeing it not through your own perceptions. Blinded by the light of your own fires….falsity…. playing up the importance of these little ants…. specks…. Adversity….. It is fleeting.
It billows and it wails and disappears in a puff of smoke. For it is an illusion.
It is not real. Pulling the plug on false notions……
grandeur….. riding the clouds
pompous and proud…. surveying the city, the audience, being puffed up with their own self-importance, blinded by their own light.
It is a pity. This happens quite often.
Meanwhile, those who slowly burn….. carefully honing their craft with their hearts intact, will play the true cords in harmony.
And the voice will be beautiful. The music will be divine. And that be much richer than even that has been imagined.
Keep a look out for these quiet ones. They strum the universe …..the chords.
Their perceptions are intact and true. They ride upon the wind, commanding it. They do not let the small things get them 'down in the dumps'….. They find their harmony within themselves and with nature and with spirit ……to bring themselves back up
and allow the spirit to flow through them.
These are a rare breed indeed. These are the aspirations,
the still small voice calling to drop the façade and to go within to where the harmony is played upon the heart. If you should find yourself in the company of one of these…. cherish, …. Cherish this connection… for It will not be loud and boastful and you might miss it.
It will Be quiet, humble and beautiful on a level of which you will know in your heart, in your bones.
Keep these ones close for they will strike the chords within you …and like a tuning fork shall create the harmony within the groups of individuals who wish to play the songs of the universe.
Through the coals they walk….barefoot in the fire. They do not yelp or scream or call out. Mindfully quiet they are… drinking in the experience of it… then portering it into their melodies.
You will feel the ones who are rich with this harmony.
The others will feel hollow…. like you could rap upon their forehead and it would sound like… Grand Canyon.
We jest.
But it will be but a hollow sound. Empty and void.
Eventually, all will be filled with the beautiful music. But as we stand today, there are but few who can spread this beautiful music. The rhapsody of the heart ….you will know them by their hearts….their heart’s song. Call them to you. Call them to you with your awareness and your asking.
And a meeting will be arranged forthwith and promptly. And it will seem like a serendipity, but no , it was an asking and an answering.
The company that you keep determines the music in your heart that you will play for others. So we advise that you find yourself the 'instruments' for your band that harmonize with yourself. And we look forward to the beautiful music… the lovely art that sings to the stars from the end to the beginning ….and vice versa.
My advice? Don't go looking for trouble, for there is trouble around every corner.
No lack of trouble.
Draw to you the experiences and the lovers of life. This is not to say that you shun those who are dim and in need of light. On the contrary. When you play these harmonies ….These ones will be uplifted by proxy.... and you will be in turn showing them the way. The assistance that you give is your choice to make, but we say there will be much growth…. in your presence ….with your attention ....and just gazing upon your light.
....and We thank you for this. We thank you for this service to the light.
For we have been much hidden in the dark places, watching and waiting. And now we feel we can move freely among you. There are many who welcome us. And we can share our knowledge and our harmonies with you.
Ask us and we will gladly oblige you. Thank you, my dears"