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Soul star shamanic journey

Shamanic Journey on your Behalf for clearing, Healing, and connecting Spirit Helpers

I set sacred space and perform a Shamanic Journey with my Spirit Guides for you to locate and clear whatever your guides and Higher Self show me. 

We travel through the Spirit Worlds, and I voice record what I see along the way. There are many Metaphors and different scenes that play out. I narrate as best I can what I am experiencing.  Often a part of you is there with us on the Journey.  I really never know what we will encounter.  Sometimes it is past lives, sometimes ancestor healing, or guide messages.  I convey any information that is given for you, and there is usually some clearing and healing work done.  

We then travel to meet with a Spirit Animal Helper that wishes to assist  you at this time.  Sometimes a Spirit guide will also present themselves to be known and We bring them all back.

I then transcribe the Journey into written form and add generated images of what I saw along the way. I use several different AI generators to create the images with my descriptive prompts.  AI is a tool, and like all technology can be affected by conscious intention. As creator beings, all tools are valid. I clear the energy and charge the images with Light before placing them into the reading report.  I then pull cards for any additional clarification.  I put it all together into a document that I will mail to you.

A Journey from start to finished report usually takes me about 4-5hours total time spent.  I am currently not including audio, only transcript but may consider doing so in the future if it is requested.

What is the purpose?   This type of session is good to bring to light any messages or healing that needs worked on at this time.  It is not a heavy clearing such as Remote Spirit Release, However clearing can be done and realignments performed.  It can be done after an RSR- Remote Spirit Release to help in further healing and integration of the self. 


My guides and yours will explore whatever layer is needing looked at. This is a good follow-up care to help get some additional clarity. The Journey brings back one or mor Allies that you have access to the energy to work with them for your continued healing and consciousness expansion.  

I bring back a Spirit Animal Helper for you that you may or may not already have a relationship with.  Many times this is a new helper that wishes to offer the service of it's energy to assist with this stage on your path.  Animal Energies are powerful allies with much to offer.

What to expect- Each Journey is different. One persona may have some past life clearing, another may have soul retrieval, another may have more guide messages and advice.  You can request a focus for the Journey or you can leave it up to Spirit to bring what is most important at this time.

Cards Pulled after the Journey-  After the Journey, I pull 4-6 cards from a handful of decks that I use mainly for these sessions. These cards have most of the information on the cards so no long descriptions are needed. The card pull is to reinforce, enhance, and add any additional clarity to the information Spirit wishes you to know at this time.

Free Gift -I am currently also mailing a black tourmaline pendant. Tourmaline is an amazing stone for protecting the energy field and is a cheerful and dutiful stone of empowerment.  This little helper encourages you to fearlessly step into your power, as it backs you up with it's love and support.

I can mail these to some countries, but not to all.  If you book a session and I cannot mail it to you, you can pick a person to gift it to and I will mail it to them as a gift from you.

*I am toying with the idea of keeping this as a permanent part of this Service offering.  I have numerus black tourmaline pendants on hand and several other types as well, so I could keep this going for a long time if it is well received.  Gifting is my Love language so this makes me happy :)

What is my Shamanic training?   Interestingly, I have had a lot of training in various modalities over the years such as energy work,  Reiki, Sound Balancing, Quantum Hypnosis methods, including past life, Trauma release techniques, Spirit Release Therapy etc. I have also taken many courses on Channeling and Mediumship. BUT Shamanic practices were originally exclusively taught to me by my Guides. I did have a guide come to me briefly in my Remote Spirit Release training.  She was a younger girl with a Llama in the high mountains.  But I had no idea what that meant at the time.  Not even thinking it was related to Shamanism at all. I had the idea that Shamans had to be special and chosen and incredibly regimented. Not me at all.


It began as Spirit Animals that would come to me for people in meditation, and it progressed to be more encompassing.  It was a "Path of Least Resistance" for me I think because I saw it more as FUN than work. So there was no resistance. Only recently have the physical teachers shown up to continue my healing and training,   I took Munay Ki rites with  Sharon Ramel to deepen my practice, understanding, and personal healing.  Soon after a teacher appeared to me of the ancient Andean Paqo Kuna Tradition (Nature Mystic). This has resonated deeply with me and I continue my training and "remembering" healing techniques I am certain I once knew .  My teacher is Anthony Golden SonShine at  As a lifelong learning, I continue my path of remembrance and use those skills to assist.

Munay Ki~ "Energy of Love"

My Guides taught me to Journey.  But I have always been drawn to the way of Shamans.  As a little girl I was always making potions with crystals and performing blessing ceremonies in our woods. Collecting sticks and rock and flowers and feeling the pulse of sacred objects. Just an awe and appreciation for Nature and Spirit.

Makes sense I guess since I have quite a few Medicine Men and Women on my Sprit Team,  I was recently led to the Munay Ki initiations when I got the word in a meditation. I did not look up the word for 2 years lol.  Running across the recording recently I wanted to see if it was a word and what it meant and it led me to Munay Ki initiations, and it just felt like home. I knew this was a path I was meant to walk. Being led gently along.

by Dr. Alberto Villoldo: The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a period of great transformation, and foretell of new humans appearing on the planet ...

persons of wisdom and power who live free of fear and abide in their eternal nature, accepting stewardship for all creation.

Based on initiatory practices of the shamans of the Andes and the Amazon, the Munay-Ki are nine rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom and power. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past – the genetic and karmic inheritance we are born with. They transform and upgrade the luminous energy field and re-inform our DNA, enabling us to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.

The rites of the Munay-Ki are: The Seers Rite, The Harmony Rite, The Bands of Power, The Healers Rite, The Daykeepers Rite, The Wisdomkeepers Rite, The Earthkeepers Rite, The Starkeepers Rite, and The Creator Rite.

In essence, the rites are about stewardship. They are not ego-awards or recognition of any kind of achievement, nor do they make anyone special. On the contrary, they make one uniquely unimportant. Only then, from a position of no-ego, can we truly be of service.

In the Quechua language, “Munay” means universal love. “Ki” is from the Japanese word for energy. Together, these words mean energy of love. After you go through the nine rites of the Munay-Ki, you can begin to dream the world into being – the world that we want our children’s children to inherit.

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